Do you know who Kim Kiyosaki is? Most of the time, she is introduced with mention of her very famous husband, Robert.  Robert is the face of the “Rich Dad” brand and even though you might not yet be as familiar with Kim, I believe (especially if you are a woman) you should be! Financial intelligence is undoubtedly necessary for a balanced life, and personally I am building my own financial intelligence.  I have found Kim’s “Rich Woman” books inspiring in this journey and promise you “Rich Woman” is worth a Google search.  

For now I will leave the discussion of building personal wealth to Kim, but beyond wanting to encourage you to take ownership around your financial life, I wanted to tell you about finding your “why.”  In Kim Kiyosaki’s book, “Rich Woman: a book on investing for women,” she prompts her readers to discover their “why” for achieving financial freedom.

Have you heard of this exercise before? Discovering the “why” behind your goals can be a very empowering practice.  Knowing exactly what motivates you can help you achieve something that could be difficult initially, but will pay off in the long run.  In Kim’s personal experience related to her journey toward financial freedom, hardships came up that might have made a different person want to quit.  Her “why,” or the vision that motivated her to succeed, was such a powerful force and reason for perseverance that she was able to push through what she called the worst period of time in her life.

Your “why” is not strictly reserved for your audacious financial goals. You can define your “why” for anything you take on.  Whatever you wish to achieve can be aided by your clear understanding of what is driving you.  This self-knowledge gives you fuel to make it through the toughest of times or the power to right your course if you find yourself adrift.  Conversely, when you struggle to find the reason why you want something then it may be time to rethink things- do you really want it as badly as you thought you did?

Simply put, I believe that our “why” provides us with the deep, emotional connection to our journey and goal, and can make the difference in what we achieve.  Sure, some things are easy to define.  Most of us would not stumble over the “why” behind raising our children.  Although at times our motivation is clear, most often it takes some thought to articulate.  So when you are not totally sure of what drives you, when your reason for going after something does not make you feel hungry for the prize, then it is time to define your “why.”  Go ahead and ask yourself, why?

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    Jennifer Loebel

